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“Not Ashamed of the Good News”

“Not Ashamed of the Good News”



  • 9:40 Music

  • 9:50 Song No. 67 and Prayer

  • 10:00 We Are “Not Ashamed of the Good News”​—Why?

  • 10:15 Taking a Stand for the Good News

  • 10:30 Be “a Workman With Nothing to Be Ashamed Of”

  • 10:55 Song No. 73 and Announcements

  • 11:05 Showing the Spirit of Power, Love, and Soundness of Mind

  • 11:35 Baptism: Continue to Be “Submissive to the Good News”

  • 12:05 Song No. 75


  • 1:20 Music

  • 1:30 Song No. 77

  • 1:35 Experiences

  • 1:45 Summary of The Watchtower

  • 2:15 Symposium: We Are Not Ashamed of . . .

    • • God’s Moral Standards

    • • God’s Kingdom

    • • God’s Representatives

  • 3:00 Song No. 40 and Announcements

  • 3:10 “Boast in Jehovah”

  • 3:55 Song No. 7 and Prayer