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From Our Readers

From Our Readers

From Our Readers

Youth Articles I am 12 years old, and I enjoy reading your magazines very much. Before I started reading your magazines, it was very difficult for me to get along with my friends because all of them were older than I am. But after reading the “Young People Ask . . .” articles, it has become easier for me to get along with them. Thank you for your magazines. They are very helpful.

N. I., Russia

Learning Language Thank you for the helpful suggestions in the article “Do You Want to Learn a Foreign Language?” (January 8, 2000) I started learning Spanish two years ago, and my knowledge of this language has proved very useful. During a recent international convention, I was able to help many fellow Christians from other countries.

K.L.R., Brazil

I have been studying French for the past three years now, and I have to express my thanks for the article. It was so encouraging! I feel a renewed determination to continue my studies, and I hope and pray that one day I will be able to utilize my foreign-language skills in some aspect of the Christian ministry.

L. C., United States

Here in Bavaria, there are many foreigners. Although most speak German, they respond better to the Bible’s good news if they hear it in their native language. Since many come from Russia, I decided to learn their language. You are right in saying that this is challenging. However, I have surmounted the first hurdle, namely, learning the alphabet—and the letters no longer appear like Egyptian hieroglyphs to me.

B. K., Germany

You suggested using audiocassettes to learn a language while driving. I don’t think it is a good idea to suggest that we do something that requires concentration while driving. This could result in an accident.

K. S., Japan

We queried several auto safety organizations, and none could provide any research indicating that listening to educational audiocassettes while driving poses any more danger than listening to music or conversing with riders. Even so, the reminder to exercise caution while driving is much appreciated.—ED.

Bloodless Surgery I would like to thank you for the series “Bloodless Medicine and Surgery—The Growing Demand.” (January 8, 2000) It helped break down some of the prejudices people have against Jehovah’s Witnesses. I took a number of magazines to my office and offered them to my colleagues. During the noon break, I noticed a coworker eagerly reading the magazine. He later approached me and said: “I never imagined how many interesting articles the magazine contained!”

I. S., Czech Republic

Insects Thank you for the article “The Amazing World of Insects.” (January 8, 2000) The information, doubtless the result of deep research, was handled well. I wanted to watch TV, but I read that issue of Awake! instead. After reading this article, I knew that I had made the right choice.

O. K., France

Not having a logical explanation for the existence of insects, I concluded that Jehovah made them to make sure that people kept their homes clean. But this article showed me that insects are another page of the book of creation, from which we can learn more about our magnificent Creator.

A. A., United States